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Writer's pictureBuddy Sweets

Novel Coronavirus- Can Your Dog get COVID-19?

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

For the past few months, COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) which has originated from Wuhan, China and spread across the globe has been at the forefront of every news at every corner you turn. You cannot walk into a grocery store without seeing empty shelves where hand sanitizer, hand soap, or toilet paper used to be- or signs limiting the amount of purchase because of this global health emergency.

Social media has shown us countless pictures of dogs wearing face masks to protect them from the virus, but can our dogs get infected with the coronavirus?

If you pay attention to what vaccines your veterinarian administers to your dog, you may have noticed one of those is for a canine strain of the virus that only affects dogs (canine respiratory coronavirus), but this specific Coronavirus is not believed to be a threat to our pets.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports there have been no cases of Coronavirus in domestic animals:

How can you protect your pets from Coronavirus?

At this moment in the United State, there is no need to do anything other than follow normal health precautions such as washing your hands with soap and water after contact with any animal. You can always keep their paws clean with

What are we doing to protect you and your pets from the coronavirus?

Safety is our #1 priority, ALWAYS. We safely clean and sanitize our facility every day using the safest and most effective products. We like to recommend this cleaner and this cleaner. All of our staff members are strongly encouraged to not come into the facility if they show symptoms of any illness- We want our team on top of their game when we play with your pups! We also ask that if your pets have been sick, have had diarrhea in the last 48 hours, has been lethargic, or mood has changed, let us know as these can be signs of illness.

How can you protect yourself from the coronavirus?

The CDC and WHO both recommend washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds (sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice), cough and sneeze into your elbow, and the use of hand sanitizer is effective. If you have flu-like symptoms, it is recommended you seek medical attention. It's that simple!

If you’d like more tips on how to stay healthy and safe from COVID-19 or stay updated on the most accurate information with the World Health Organization or with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


If you ask a vet what the best thing you can do to keep your pets healthy, they most likely would say nutrition is one of the keys to a happy and healthy pet. We believe this too! That’s why we partnered with pawTree to bring you the best holistic, all-natural pet nutrition products to you. Check out this 4 minute video to learn more:

Can’t see the video? CLICK HERE

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You can set up a pet profile HERE for a FREE customized nutrition plan

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Buddy Sweets has always been dedicated to the pets that walk through our door and their people. We mean it when we say you are part of our family. Because When they stay with us they are family. For and questions related to this post or to schedule your next stay, call or text us at (760) 353-7833 or email us at

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